Sunday, July 17, 2011

SEMESTER 1/2011/2012 (JULY 2011)

Salam and hi..
The text book for PMS 1343, PMS 3233 and PMD 2303 is ready for sale. The details of the text book are as follows:

1) PMS 1343 - Gary Armstong, Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, 14th Edition, Pearson, 2012 (RM 80)
2) PMS 3233 - Kardes, Cline, Cronley (2011), Consumer Behavior: Science and Practice, International edition, SOUTH-WESTERN CENGAGE Learning (RM 57)
3) PMS 2303 -
Futrell, (2011) Fundamentals of Selling Customer for Life Through Service, Twelfth Edition, McGraw-Hill (RM 60)

* You may buy the text book from me. Don't worry, i will not take any single cent as profit from the sale. Please make sure you have the original copy. Any attempt to reproduced, copy or used by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or web distribution is totally unaccepted. You will bare the consequences for cheating. I will encouraged each one of you to have your own copy. Cash and carry only. Thank you.